UCC 2018 Call for Doctoral Research Papers

This call is closed.

Final deadline Extension: September 15, 2018

11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2018)

December 17-20, 2018 – Zurich, Switzerland – Call for Doctoral Research Papers

Website: http://ucc-conference.org/

Submissions: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=uccphdsymposium2018

Download Call for Doctoral Research Papers: txt

Description and Topics of Interest

The aim of UCC's 2018 Doctoral Student Research Forum is to provide PhD students at all stages of their research a supportive environment to discuss their research proposal, practices and methods, and to promote networking and collaboration. The Doctoral Student Research Forum is an opportunity for students to obtain helpful feedback of their research from leading academics and practitioners in the areas of cloud computing, big data, distributed systems, computational science and other.

At the forum this year, we will be hosting (i) keynote speakers for inspiring talks, (ii) distinguished researchers for tutoring your PhD proposals as well as (iii) distinguished PhD graduates who will share their experience about how to succeed in your PhD endeavors.

PhD Students are invited to submit new paper contributions describing their research. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following aspects of utility and cloud computing.

  • Formal modelling and analysis of cloud computing
  • Big Data and Analytics
  • Principles and theoretical foundations of Utility Computing, including pricing and service models
  • Policy languages and Programming models
  • Utility driven model and mechanisms for Cloud federations
  • Autonomic techniques for Clouds and Cloud applications
  • Utility-driven platforms for Clouds
  • Architectural models to achieve Utility in Clouds
  • Designs and deployment models for Clouds: private, public, hybrid, federated, aggregated
  • Cloud Computing middleware, stacks, tools, delivery networks and services at all layers (XaaS)
  • Virtualization technologies and other enablers
  • Economic models and scenarios of use
  • Scalability and resource management: brokering, scheduling, capacity planning, parallelism and elasticity, as well as marketplaces
  • Cloud management: autonomic, adaptive, self-*, SLAs, performance models and monitoring
  • Applications: games, social networks, scientific computing (e-science) and business
  • Mobile and energy-efficient use of Clouds
  • Beyond technology: Cloud business and legal implications, such as security, privacy, trust and jurisdiction especially in Utility contexts

Submission Details

All contributions must be in IEEE double-column format, available for download:


and should describe, in English, original work that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. PDF versions of papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair, using the link:


We solicit three categories of contributions 1) Doctoral Research Papers, maximum 6 pages 2) Extended Research Abstracts, maximum 4 pages 3) Posters presentations, maximum 2 pages.

Submitted papers must be authored primarily by a student currently enrolled in a PhD level university programme.

Submissions will be assessed by at least three members of the programme committee. They will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the UCC conference series, research potential, quality and rigour of the research methods described. Reviews are single-blind; do not blind your name on the paper.

Accepted contributions will appear in the UCC 2018 Conference Proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library. All successful submissions must be supported via presentation by the student author. Students may apply at the student rate which requires proof of studentship.

Any inquiries should be directed to the PhD symposium chairs:

  • Evangelos Pournaras, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (evangelos.pournaras@gess.ethz.ch)
  • Kenneth Johnson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (kenneth.johnson@aut.ac.nz)

Important Dates

  • Paper submission due: September 15, 2018 (second and final extension)
  • Notification of acceptance: September 22, 2018
  • Camera-ready papers due: October 15, 2018
  • Early + author registration deadline: October 15, 2018
  • Conference: December 17-20, 2018

