Context & Scope
Cloud Computing delivers computational resources on-demand as services that are commoditized and delivered comfortably analogous to traditional utilities such as electricity, gas, water and telephony. Cloud service offerings for compute, storage and communication resources as well as for hosted software and data are growing at a tremendous rate. It is essential to understand how to effectively transform these services into Utilities that provide value to both users and providers. There is also increasing interest from commercial providers to offer business and revenue models around the services they offer. Understanding how these models could be used to provide utility for users, intermediary brokers (aggregators) and providers is also an area of active research. UCC is the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility and provides an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and growing field. UCC 2018, to be held in Zurich, Switzerland, reflects the need to bring academics and industrial researchers together to discuss how to improve existing services and how to bring new applications into the cloud.
UCC 2018 will have a co-located 5th International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2018), an embedded Cloud Challenge along with other satellite events, and a subsequent Serverless Symposium. Do not miss the opportunity for discussing a full week of cloud and big data advances in central Europe at the end of the year!
This will be the 11th UCC along with the 5th BDCAT in a successful conference series of community-driven events. For more information, consult the conference history and the listing of previous awards given to top papers presented at the conference.
Important Dates
Workshop proposals due: 01 May, 2018
Paper submissions due: 29 August, 2018 (second and final extension)
Tutorial proposal due: 01 September, 2018 (extended)
Workshops: IWTCC 9 September; CloudAM/SCCTSA/WoSC/CNAX/BDASE 14-15 September; QA3C 19 September, 2018
Cloud Challenge proposals as well as Doctoral Research Papers due: 15 September, 2018 (second and final extension)
Posters due: 29 September, 2018 (firm extension)
Notification of acceptance for main conference papers: 01 October, 2018 (following the extension)
Camera ready papers due: 15 October, 2018
Early and author registration deadline: 15 October, 2018
23.12.2018: The conference is over. With around 200 participants, we consider it a great success for the cloud computing community. Slides, pictures and reports will be added to this website as they arrive. Please bookmark http://uccbdcat18.cloudlab.zhaw.ch/ucc2018/ as permanent locator for this year's conference as the main domain will soon point to the 2019 edition.
13.12.2018: The final programme is online, all participants have received a complimentary public transport ticket, and we're looking forward to great sessions starting on Monday!
01.11.2018: The advance technical programme is available along with related schedules across all tracks.
18.10.2018: We confirm a special issue with the Journal of Cloud Computing for extended and revised articles valued highly at the conference.
09.10.2018: Accepted papers and first invited talks are online.
04.10.2018: Main track notifications and most other track notifications have been sent out. The list of accepted papers and the preliminary programme will be published soon.
18.09.2018: Most tracks and workshops are closed. Use the last chances to contribute: QA3C workshop, posters and ESSCA scientific track!
03.09.2018: Several workshops and tracks extended their deadlines as authors concentrated on the main track so far. Please consider submitting!
31.08.2018: The call for papers for the UCC main track is closed. We received 132 submissions, second-highest number in the conference history! Workshops and satellite events are still accepting papers.
18.08.2018: A final and firm deadline extension for UCC main papers has been granted until August 29. Last chance to submit!
07.08.2018: Consider competing for the UCC Cloud Challenge Prize!
03.08.2018: Registration to UCC 2018 is already possible.
02.08.2018: Extended deadlines for doctoral symposium, tutorials and cloud challenge until September 1.
30.07.2018: The UCC 2018 main track deadline has been extended until August 15.
12.06.2018: Three hotels with attractive conference rates can be booked through our website. For details, see the venue and hotels page.
17.05.2018: Nine workshops are confirmed to take place in conjunction with the main conference. As their websites go live, please check the workshops page regularly.
30.04.2018: UCC 2018 call for doctoral symposium papers is published. Present your early-stage research in the context of a well-run doctoral student/candidate research forum!
25.04.2018: Tentative dates for authors were updated and are no longer tentative as the proceedings production schedule is being confirmed.
21.02.2018: UCC 2018 calls for posters and tutorials published.
07.02.2018: UCC 2018 calls for papers, workshops and cloud challenge have been made available.
05.01.2018: UCC 2018 website is active.
08.12.2017: UCC 2018 preparations are kicked off. The preliminary Call for Papers and Workshops has just been published.
UCC is supported by the following companies and associations.
Please contact us if you want to consider support.

UCC is co-sponsored by IEEE TCSC & ACM SIGARCH and executed in-cooperation with ACM SIGHPC.
The local conference organisation is coordinated by Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Service Prototyping Lab.