The following workshops are collocated with the conference and inform about their respective talks and papers on their dedicated websites.
Monday , December 17:
7th International Workshop on Clouds and (eScience) Applications Management - CloudAM 2018
1st Workshop on Managed Fog-to-Cloud - mF2C 2018
1st Workshop on Cloud-Native Applications Design and Experience - CNAX 2018
1st Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Sustainable Environments - BDASE 2018
Tuesday, December 18:
5th International Workshop on Smart City Clouds: Technologies, Systems and Applications - SCCTSA 2018
3rd International Workshop on Trust in Cloud Computing - IWTCC 2018
Wednesday, December 19:
- 1st Workshop on Quality Assurance in the Context of Cloud Computing - QA3C 2018
Thursday, December 20:
- 4th International Workshop on Serverless Computing - WoSC 2018